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Andrew Pardue Joins Novus Architects

Novus Architects is proud to welcome Andrew Pardue AIA, NCARB, who joins the firm as Director of Healthcare.

The Importance of Dynamic Phasing in Healthcare Construction

As any design and construction professional can attest to, dynamic phasing is a critical component in keeping a project on...

Smith-McDowell Historic Restoration Now Complete

Asheville, NC (Sept. 11, 2020) – Novus is proud to announce that the historic restoration of A-B Tech’s Smith-McDowell house in...

Streamlining the Design Process with Project Services

The Novus Project Services team provides essential tools to its clients to help them make the best decision with their time and money.

Utilizing Building Information Modeling For Industrial Projects

The use of Building Information Modeling (BIM) for industrial projects allows for better collaboration with multiple project teams during design, allowing us a broader perspective.

The Benefits of Building Information Modeling

By approaching every project with smoother collaboration, the Novus BIM Team can provide the client with multiple support benefits.

Designing For Industry

Industrial design centers on optimization; streamlining processes while simultaneously meeting or exceeding industry regulation and supporting safe work environments for...


Novus Architects take the "always new" approach to combat challenges in the ever-changing Industrial market sector.


Working in sub-zero temperatures, under a tight timeline, and unknown circumstances, the Industrial team innovated to create a refrigeration system built on top of a sand bed.

Novus’s Ashley McCormick Accepted into Charleston Metro Chamber of Commerce’s Leadership Charleston Class of 2021

Principal of Healthcare, Ashley McCormick, was accepted into Leadership Charleston and will be a part of looking into the most challenging issues and opportunities facing the Charleston region.

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